In This Article


In Microsoft Teams there are two emergency policies:

  • Emergency Calling Policy - Defines notification rules when a Teams user makes an emergency call.
  • Emergency Call Routing Policy - Used to set up emergency numbers and specify how emergency calls are routed when using Teams direct routing.
When setting up emergency calling in Teams, both policy types are required when using direct routing, but when using Microsoft Calling Plans or Teams Operator Connect, only the Emergency Calling Policy is required.


Full planning and prerequisite details can be found in the  Emergency Calling - Overview and Planning article.

Emergency Calling Policy

An Emergency Calling Policy is used to configure notification rules when a Teams user dials an emergency number, and also determines whether a Teams user can enter their own emergency address when working remotely.


Full planning and prerequisite details can be found in the  Emergency Calling - Overview and Planning article.

Create an Emergency Calling Policy - Teams Admin Center

In the Teams admin center, browse to: Voice > Emergency Policies

  • Select: Calling Policies (tab)
  • Click: + Add
  • Enter a Name & Description for the policy
  • External Location Lookup Mode
    • Enable to allow Teams users to enter their own emergency address when working remotely
    • Disable to not allow Teams users to enter their own emergency address when working remotely
  • Choose a Notification Mode:
    • None
    • Send Notification Only
    • Conferenced In, but are Muted
    • Conferenced In, and are Unmuted
  • Enter an Emergency Services Disclaimer
    • Shows a banner to remind Teams users to confirm their emergency location
  • Enter one or more Users/Groups to receive notifications
  • Click Apply

Create an Emergency Calling Policy - PowerShell

The below PowerShell example creates an Emergency Calling Policy with external location lookup mode enabled, and the following notification settings:

  • Notification Mode: ConferenceMuted
  • Notification Dial Out Number:  +16105551234
  • Notification Group:;
# Define the emergency services disclaimer
$Disclaimer = "Company policy requires you to confirm your emergency address."

# Define the emergency calling policy properties
$PolicyProperties = @{
	Identity                   = "Warehouse Notifications"
 	Description                = "Notify HR, Security, and Reception"
 	ExternalLocationLookupMode = $true
	NotificationMode           = "ConferenceMuted"
	NotificationDialOutNumber  = "+16105551234"
	NotificationGroup          = ";"
	EnhancedEmergencyServiceDisclaimer = $Disclaimer

# Create the emergency calling policy
New-CsTeamsEmergencyCallingPolicy @PolicyProperties

Emergency Call Routing Policy

When Teams Direct Routing is deployed, you must use Emergency Call Routing Policies.  Emergency Call Routing Policies have 3 primary purposes:

  • Enable Dynamic Emergency Calling (E911) for direct routing users.  In the United States, Dynamic Emergency Calling must be enabled in the policy to comply with Kari's Law.
  • Define the digits used to call emergency services (E.g.: 911 in the United States and 112 in Europe).
  • Properly route emergency calls from direct routing users to a PSTN provider like Evolve IP


Full planning and prerequisite details can be found in the  Emergency Calling - Overview and Planning article.

Create an Emergency Call Routing Policy - Teams Admin Center

In the Teams admin center, browse to: Voice > Emergency Policies

  • Select: Call Routing Policies (tab)
  • Click: + Add
  • Enter a Name & Description for the policy
  • Set Dynamic Emergency Calling to On (Enable).  For the United States, this must be enabled.
  • Add/Remove rows for the Emergency Numbers per your organization's requirements.
  • For Evolve IP customers, under the PSTN Usage Record column:
    • Click the X to remove All Calls Usage
    • Add the EvolveIP-AllCalls-East PSTN Usage Record to route emergency calls through our East (PHL) datacenter
    • Add the EvolveIP-AllCalls-West PSTN Usage Record to route emergency calls through our West (LAS) datacenter
  • Click Save

Create an Emergency Call Routing Policy - PowerShell

The below PowerShell example creates two emergency number objects associated with the EvolveIP-AllCalls-USEast PSTN Usage Record, and then adds them to a new policy called EvolveIP-ECRP-US-East.  The new policy has dynamic emergency calling enabled, which is required to comply with Kari's Law in the United States.

# Create the emergency number objects
$ENumProperties = @{

	EmergencyDialString = "911"
	EmergencyDialMask   = "911;9911;112;999"
	OnlinePSTNUsage     = "EvolveIP-AllCalls-USEast"
$ENum1 = New-CsTeamsEmergencyNumber @ENumProperties

$ENumProperties = @{

	EmergencyDialString = "933"
	EmergencyDialMask   = "933"
	OnlinePSTNUsage     = "EvolveIP-AllCalls-USEast"
$ENum2 = New-CsTeamsEmergencyNumber @ENumProperties

# Define the Emergency Call Routing Policy properties
$EcrpProperties = @{

	Identity                       = "EvolveIP-ECRP-US-East"
	EmergencyNumbers               = $null
	AllowEnhancedEmergencyServices = $true
	Description = "Route emergency calls to the Evolve IP East US (PHL) data center."

# Create a new Emergency Call Routing Policy
New-CsTeamsEmergencyCallRoutingPolicy @EcrpProperties

# Set the Emergency Call Routing Policy with the above defined emergency number objects
Set-CsTeamsEmergencyCallRoutingPolicy -Identity "EvolveIP-ECRP-US-East" -EmergencyNumbers @{add=$ENum1,$ENum2}

The below PowerShell example clears all emergency numbers from the Global (Org-Wide Default) policy.

# Clear all emergency number entries from the "Global" Emergency Call Routing Policy
Set-CsTeamsEmergencyCallRoutingPolicy -Identity "Global" -EmergencyNumbers $null

The below PowerShell example adds 4 emergency number entries to the Global (Org-Wide Default) policy, and enables dynamic emergency calling.


When a Teams user is remote (not on the corporate network), the Teams user is assigned the Global policy.  The below emergency numbers are an example for a multinational company with remote Teams users located in the US and Europe.  This assumes the Teams users would call emergency services only from the US or Europe.  If Teams users would call emergency services from other countries, the emergency numbers from those countries should be added.

# Create the emergency number objects
$ENum1 = New-CsTeamsEmergencyNumber -EmergencyDialString "911" -EmergencyDialMask "911" -OnlinePSTNUsage "EvolveIP-AllCalls-USEast"
$ENum2 = New-CsTeamsEmergencyNumber -EmergencyDialString "933" -EmergencyDialMask "933" -OnlinePSTNUsage "EvolveIP-AllCalls-USEast"
$ENum3 = New-CsTeamsEmergencyNumber -EmergencyDialString "112" -EmergencyDialMask "112" -OnlinePSTNUsage "EvolveIP-AllCalls-EU"
$ENum4 = New-CsTeamsEmergencyNumber -EmergencyDialString "999" -EmergencyDialMask "999" -OnlinePSTNUsage "EvolveIP-AllCalls-EU"
# Set the "Global" Emergency Call Routing Policy with the emergency numbers
Set-CsTeamsEmergencyCallRoutingPolicy -Identity "Global" -EmergencyNumbers @{add=$ENum1,$ENum2,$ENum3,$ENum4} -AllowEnhancedEmergencyServices:$true