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Download SQL file:   CDR-UsageReportAllUsersUsageReportAllUsersSnow.sql

The example below queries the data warehouse for data surrounding user calls including how many were taken (answered) and made (placed) and what the call duration for these categories


Code Block
titleUser Call Statistics
 * This usage reports is based on the BroadsoftUserDimension table so all users are represented even if they did not gernerate any traffic.
 * The columns in this report are:
 * Month,Location,User Id,User Name,Extension,Inbound Calls,Inbound Answered Calls,Inbound Minutes,Outbound Calls,Outbound Answered Calls,Outbound Minutes,Total Calls,Total Answered Calls,Total Minutes,User Type
 */  -- Snowflake Scripting code

DECLARE @monthLabel CHAR(7),
		@fDate INT,
		@tDate INT;

SELECT @monthLabel = [rdd_label], @fDate = [rdd_firstDate], @tDate = [rdd_lastDate] FROM [dbo].[ReportDatesDimension] WHERE [rdd_label]
    monthLabel VARCHAR;
    fDate INTEGER;
    tDate INTEGER;
    SELECT rdd_label, rdd_firstDate, rdd_lastDate INTO :monthLabel, :fDate, :tDate  FROM EVOLVEIP.PUBLIC.REPORTDATESDIMENSION WHERE rdd_label = '2022-05';

	@monthLabel [Month]    LET res RESULTSET := (SELECT
        :monthLabel Month, CONCAT( CONCAT( [lcd_city], ' - '), [lcd_stateProvince] ) [Location], REPLACE([bud_broadsoftUserId], '.', ' - ') AS [User Id]UserId, REPLACE([bud_broadsoftUserDisplayName], ',', ' - ') AS [User Name]UserName,
	        CASE WHEN [bud_broadsoftExtension] IS NOT NULL THEN [bud_broadsoftExtension] ELSE '' END [Extension],
	        SUM(CASE WHEN [bf_direction] = 'Terminating' AND [bf_answerIndicator] IS NOT NULL THEN 1 ELSE 0 END) [Inbound Calls]InboundCalls,
	        SUM(CASE WHEN [bf_direction] = 'Terminating' AND [bf_answerIndicator] IS NOT NULL AND [bf_answerIndicator] = 'Y' THEN 1 ELSE 0 END) [Inbound Answered Calls],
	CONVERT(DECIMAL(10,2), END) InboundAnsweredCalls,
        to_number(SUM(CASE WHEN [bf_direction] = 'Terminating' AND [bf_answerIndicator] IS NOT NULL THEN [bf_billDuration] ELSE 0 END) / 60.0) [Inbound Minutes]InboundMinutes,
	        SUM(CASE WHEN [bf_direction] = 'Originating' AND [bf_answerIndicator] IS NOT NULL THEN 1 ELSE 0 END) [Outbound Calls]OutboundCalls,
	        SUM(CASE WHEN [bf_direction] = 'Originating' AND [bf_answerIndicator] IS NOT NULL AND [bf_answerIndicator] = 'Y' THEN 1 ELSE 0 END) [Outbound Answered Calls],
	CONVERT(DECIMAL(10,2), OutboundAnsweredCalls,
        to_number(SUM(CASE WHEN [bf_direction] = 'Originating' AND [bf_answerIndicator] IS NOT NULL THEN [bf_billDuration] ELSE 0 END) / 60.0) [Outbound Minutes],
	) / 60.0) OutboundMinutes,
        SUM(CASE WHEN [bf_answerIndicator] IS NOT NULL THEN 1 ELSE 0 END) [Total Calls]TotalCalls,
	        SUM(CASE WHEN [bf_answerIndicator] IS NOT NULL AND [bf_answerIndicator] = 'Y' THEN 1 ELSE 0 END) [Total Answered Calls],
	CONVERT(DECIMAL(10,2), TotalAnsweredCalls,
        to_number(SUM(CASE WHEN [bf_answerIndicator] IS NOT NULL THEN [bf_billDuration] ELSE 0 END) / 60.0) [Total Minutes]TotalMinutes,
	        CASE WHEN [bud_broadsoftUserId] LIKE 'aa-%' THEN 'AUTO ATTENDANT'
		            ELSE CASE WHEN [bud_broadsoftUserId] LIKE 'cc-%' THEN 'CALL CENTER'
			                ELSE CASE WHEN [bud_broadsoftUserId] LIKE 'hg-%' THEN 'HUNT GROUP' ELSE
				                    CASE WHEN [bud_broadsoftUserId] LIKE 'cb-%' THEN 'CONF BRIDGE' ELSE
					                        CASE WHEN [bud_broadsoftUserId] LIKE 'casa-%' THEN 'AMP' ELSE 'USER' END END END END END [User Type]
	[dbo].[BroadsoftUserDimension] WITH (NOLOCK)
            LEFT OUTER JOIN [dbo].[BroadsoftCDRFact] WITH(NOLOCK) BroadsoftCDRFact ON [bud_id] = [bf_userFk] AND [bf_callStartDateLocal] >= @fDate:fDate AND [bf_callStartDateLocal] <= @tDate
            LEFT OUTER JOIN [dbo].[LocationDimension] WITH(NOLOCK) ON [bud_locationId] = [lcd_location]
	[    WHERE
        bud_id] <> 0 AND [bud_broadsoftUserId] NOT LIKE '%-Default' AND [bud_broadsoftUserId] NOT LIKE '%_MOH' AND [bud_broadsoftUserId] NOT LIKE '%_VMR' AND
	[        bud_broadsoftUserId] NOT LIKE 'vb-%'
    GROUP BY [bud_broadsoftUserId], [bud_broadsoftExtension], [bud_broadsoftUserDisplayName], CONCAT( CONCAT( [lcd_city], ' - '), [lcd_stateProvince] )
    ORDER BY [Location], [User Id], [Extension], [User Name]UserId, Extension, UserName);
    return TABLE(res);

Hunt Group Statistics

Download SQL file:   CDR-HuntGroupStats-CompleteCompleteSnow.sql

The example below queries the data warehouse for data surrounding hunt group calls including how many were answered, abandoned and transferred to voicemail as well as duration of the ring times and calls


Code Block
titleHunt Group Statistics
	-- Date
	[bf_callStartDateLocal] AS [Date],

	-- Location
	CONCAT([lcd_stateProvince], ', ', [lcd_city], ' - ', [lcd_streetAddress]) AS [Location],

	-- Hunt Group
	[bud_broadsoftUserDisplayName] AS [Hunt Group]HuntGroup,

	-- Inbound calls to Hunt group
	SUM( CASE [bf_direction] WHEN 'Terminating' THEN 1 ELSE 0 END ) AS [Inbound Calls]InboundCalls,

	-- Calls abandoned before answer or VM
	SUM( CASE [bf_direction] WHEN 'Terminating' THEN 1 ELSE 0 END ) -
		SUM( CASE WHEN [bf_direction] = 'Originating' AND [bf_answerIndicator] = 'Y' THEN 1 ELSE 0 END ) AS [Abandoned Calls]AbandonedCalls,

	-- Percentage of calls abandoned
	CAST (CASE WHEN SUM( CASE [bf_direction] WHEN 'Terminating' THEN 1 ELSE 0 END ) > 0
			CAST((SUM( CASE [bf_direction] WHEN 'Terminating' THEN 1 ELSE 0 END ) -
				SUM( CASE WHEN [bf_direction] = 'Originating' AND [bf_answerIndicator] = 'Y' THEN 1 ELSE 0 END )) AS DECIMAL) /
					SUM( CASE [bf_direction] WHEN 'Terminating' THEN 1 ELSE 0 END )
		ELSE 0
		END * 100.0 AS DECIMAL(4,1)) AS [Percent Abandoned]PercentAbandoned,

	-- Calls routed to agents
	SUM( CASE WHEN [bf_direction] = 'Originating' AND [bf_answerIndicator] = 'Y' THEN 1 ELSE 0 END ) AS [Routed Calls]RoutedCalls,

	-- Handled calls (calls answered by a person)
	SUM( CASE WHEN [bf_direction] = 'Originating' AND [bf_answerIndicator] = 'Y' AND bf_calledNumber <> '5000' THEN 1 ELSE 0 END ) AS [Handled Calls]HandledCalls,

	-- Precent handled calls (calls answered by a person)
	CAST (CASE WHEN SUM( CASE WHEN [bf_direction] = 'Originating' AND [bf_answerIndicator] = 'Y' THEN 1 ELSE 0 END ) > 0
			CAST (SUM( CASE WHEN [bf_direction] = 'Originating' AND [bf_answerIndicator] = 'Y' AND bf_calledNumber <> '5000' THEN 1 ELSE 0 END ) AS DECIMAL) /
					SUM( CASE WHEN [bf_direction] = 'Originating' AND [bf_answerIndicator] = 'Y' THEN 1 ELSE 0 END )
		ELSE 0
		END * 100.0 AS DECIMAL(5,2)) AS [Percent Handled Calls]PercentHandledCalls,

	-- Talk duration of handled calls in minutes
	CAST (SUM( CASE WHEN [bf_direction] = 'Originating' AND [bf_answerIndicator] = 'Y' AND bf_calledNumber <> '5000' THEN [bf_billDuration] ELSE 0 END ) / 60.0 AS DECIMAL(8,2)) AS [Talk Duration]TalkDuration,

	-- Average duration of handled calls in minutes
	CAST (CASE WHEN SUM( CASE WHEN [bf_direction] = 'Originating' AND [bf_answerIndicator] = 'Y' AND bf_calledNumber <> '5000' THEN 1 ELSE 0 END ) > 0
			CAST (SUM( CASE WHEN [bf_direction] = 'Originating' AND [bf_answerIndicator] = 'Y' AND bf_calledNumber <> '5000' THEN [bf_billDuration] ELSE 0 END ) AS DECIMAL) /
				SUM( CASE WHEN [bf_direction] = 'Originating' AND [bf_answerIndicator] = 'Y' AND bf_calledNumber <> '5000' THEN 1 ELSE 0 END )
		ELSE 0
	END / 60.0 AS DECIMAL(6,2)) AS [Average Talk Duration]AverageTalkDuration,

	-- Call overflowed to VM
	SUM( CASE WHEN [bf_direction] = 'Originating' AND [bf_answerIndicator] = 'Y' AND bf_calledNumber = '5000' THEN 1 ELSE 0 END ) AS [VM Overflow Calls]VMOverflowCalls,

	-- Average speed of answer (ASA) (wait time) in minutes
	CAST (CASE WHEN SUM( CASE WHEN [bf_direction] = 'Originating' AND [bf_answerIndicator] = 'Y' AND bf_calledNumber <> '5000' THEN 1 ELSE 0 END ) > 0
			CAST (SUM( CASE WHEN [bf_direction] = 'Originating' AND [bf_answerIndicator] = 'Y' AND bf_calledNumber <> '5000' THEN [bf_ringDuration] ELSE 0 END ) AS DECIMAL) /
				SUM( CASE WHEN [bf_direction] = 'Originating' AND [bf_answerIndicator] = 'Y' AND bf_calledNumber <> '5000' THEN 1 ELSE 0 END )
		ELSE 0
		END / 60.0 AS DECIMAL(5,2)) AS [ASA]
FROM [BroadsoftCDRFact] LEFT OUTER JOIN [BroadsoftUserDimension] ON [bf_userFK] = [bud_id]
	LEFT OUTER JOIN [LocationDimension] ON SUBSTRING([bf_group], 4, 10) = [lcd_location]
WHERE [bf_callStartDateLocal] >= 2021041420220414 AND [bf_callStartDateLocal] < 2021041520220415 AND
	[bf_userId] LIKE 'hg-%'
GROUP BY [bf_callStartDateLocal], CONCAT([lcd_stateProvince], ', ', [lcd_city], ' - ', [lcd_streetAddress]), [bud_broadsoftUserDisplayName];

Monthly Call Volume

Download SQL file:  CDR-MonthlyCallVolumeMonthlyCallVolumeSnow.sql

The example below queries the data warehouse to summarize call counts and duration by phone #


Code Block
titleMonthly Call Volume
-- Sum call counts and call durations for inbound answered calls for dailed numbers by month -- Broadsoft CDR Fact

SELECT [bf_callStartDateLocal] / 100 AS month, [bf_calledNumber] AS DNIS, COUNT(*) AS callCount, CAST(SUM(bf_billDuration) / 60.0 AS DECIMAL(8,2)) AS minutes
  FROM [dbo].[BroadsoftCDRFact]
  WHERE bf_direction = 'Terminating' AND [bf_answerIndicator] = 'Y' AND [bf_callStartDateLocal] >= 20210301 AND [bf_callStartDateLocal] < 20210501
  GROUP BY [bf_callStartDateLocal] / 100, [bf_calledNumber]
  ORDER BY month, DNIS;   ORDER BY month, DNIS;