In August 2019, the FCC applied new rules implementing two federal laws that strengthen emergency calling:  Kari’s Law and Section 506 of RAY BAUM’S Act. Kari’s Law requires direct 911 dialing and notification capabilities in multi-line telephone systems (MLTS), which are typically found in enterprises such as office buildings, campuses, and hotels.  This is a requirement for all service providers in the US & Canada. The 2 main differentiators are as follows:

  1. Securing an outside line, without a requirement that callers need to enter a number or code before connecting to an outside line, and

  2. Providing accurate information about the caller’s location within the building or complex

Both Reqirements are an important regulatory need for all customers and users. The new Dynamic E911 system requirements we have implemented will improve emergency response times and more accurate location information fo first responders. Evolve IP has integrated the new enhanced 911 requirements into all Webex, Teams & UC Customers. 

What is Dynamic E911 for Webex?

Why are we doing this?

What Do I need to do in my Webex Control Hub?

Will my users need to do anything?

Will I have to do anything on my mobile device users?

What if I want additional access to manage our E911 notifications, portal and network topology? Who do I contact if I want more info on the E911 portal?