Importing Data from Go Integrator v3

If enabled, Go Integrator Cara can offer to import configuration data from the Go Integrator v3. Data that can be imported includes:

  • User login credentials.
  • Presence window Favorites.
  • CRM integrations (including 'controlled' integrations but excluding Outlook Contacts).
  • Dialing Settings.

user login


Integrations that have a v4 integration available in Go Integrator Cara will still be imported as a v3 integration only, so will need to be configured again manually as a v4 integration if a new feature such as the 'Add Contact' feature is required.

  • On startup, user login credentials will be automatically populated:
  • Next, a prompt will be displayed confirming the CRM integrations discovered from the v3 installation. Click 'Yes' to import to Go Integrator Cara

user login

  • Next, Presence Window contact detection will appear. Click 'Yes' to import to Go Integrator Cara as favorites

user login

  • Following the Presence contact importing, a pop-up message confirms the quantity imported

user login

  • The 'Presence Window' will display the imported contacts as 'Favorites' but will also display the complete User contact list in line with Large Directory Mode settings:

user login