Steps to Add a JWT App
Login to the Clearlogin Admin Portal (admin.clearlogin.com)
Select Apps
Select New App Connection
Select JWT
Enter the required information from the following, then Select Create JWT App
Display Name: Name that will appear for users
Icon: Add a PNG logo for the App
Accepted Access Tags: An Access Group can be added here to limit who sees the App
MFA Access Tags: Choose the Access Tags that you would like to trigger an MFA prompt
Login URL: URL that users will get redirected to when they select the App (This should be the URL with the Login Form on the page)
Audience Restriction (This name may vary from vendor to vendor): Provided by Vendor
Token Expiration: The length of time a token will be valid until it expires
Enabled: Will turn the App On/Off
Admins Only?: If Enabled, will only allows Tenant Admins to see the App
Hide on Dashboard?: If Enabled, the App will not appear on the dashboard
Once the app is created, select Edit to Add your secret (Typically provided by the Vendor)