AccountDimension | |||
Column Name | Azure Type | Snowflake Type | Description |
ad_id | int | NUMBER(38,0) | Primary key |
ad_accountId | varchar(16) | VARCHAR(16) | The account unique identifier |
ad_parentAccount | varchar(16) | VARCHAR(16) | The parent account identifier |
ad_name | varchar(64) | VARCHAR(64) | Account name |
ad_broadsoftEnterpriseId | varchar(64) | VARCHAR(64) | The VoIP platform identifier |
ad_country | varchar(64) | VARCHAR(64) | The origin country of the account |
ad_currency | varchar(3) | VARCHAR(3) | The currency used for the account |
ad_customerStartDate | datetime2(7) | TIMESTAMP_NTZ(9) | The customer start date. |
ad_eccAccount | bit (1=true/0=false) | BOOLEAN | Is ECC account flag |
ad_marketSegment | varchar(16) | VARCHAR(16) | Market segment |
ad_mrcBillCycle | varchar(2) | VARCHAR(2) | The MRC billing cycle |
ad_npaNxx | varchar(6) | VARCHAR(6) | The area code (NPA) and exchange (NXX) used for taxation |
ad_nrcBillCycle | varchar(2) | VARCHAR(2) | The NRC billing cycle |
ad_releasedMRR | decimal(18, 4) | NUMBER(18,4) | The Released Monthly Recurring Revenue |
ad_serviceWindowStartDay | varchar(2) | VARCHAR(2) | The day in month that the service window start day has started |
ad_state | varchar(2) | VARCHAR(2) | The state associated with the account if applicable |
ad_status | varchar(8) | VARCHAR(8) | Indicates if the status of the account is active or not active |
ad_type | varchar(16) | VARCHAR(16) | The account type. Possible values:
ad_zipCode | varchar(16) | VARCHAR(16) | The zip code associated with the account |
ad_isCountyTaxExempt | bit (1=true/0=false) | BOOLEAN | County tax exempt flag |
ad_isCriticalAccount | bit (1=true/0=false) | BOOLEAN | Critical customer flag |
ad_isFederalTaxExempt | bit (1=true/0=false) | BOOLEAN | Federal tax exempt flag |
ad_isStateTaxExempt | bit (1=true/0=false) | BOOLEAN | State tax exempt flag |
ad_isSuppressAdminFee | bit (1=true/0=false) | BOOLEAN | Suppress Admin Fee Flag |
AccountGroupDimension | |||
Column Name | Data Type | Snowflake Type | Description |
agd_id | int | NUMBER(38,0) | Primary key |
agd_accountGroupId | varchar(16) | VARCHAR(16) | Account group identifier |
agd_description | varchar(128) | VARCHAR(128) | Account group description |
agd_type | varchar(16) | VARCHAR(16) | The account group type. Possible values:
BroadsoftUserDimension | |||
Column Name | Data Type | Snowflake Type | Description |
bud_id | int | NUMBER(38,0) | Primary key |
bud_broadsoftUserId | varchar(161) | VARCHAR(161) | Identifier of the broadsoft user |
bud_broadsoftUserDisplayName | varchar(100) | VARCHAR(100) | The display name of the broadsoft user. |
bud_broadsoftEntepriseId | varchar(64) | VARCHAR(64) | The VoIP platform identifier |
bud_broadsoftGroupId | varchar(64) | VARCHAR(64) | Broadsoft user group identifier |
bud_broadsoftDepartment | varchar(64) | VARCHAR(64) | Broadsoft user department |
bud_broadsoftLanguage | varchar(64) | VARCHAR(64) | Broadsoft user language |
bud_broadsoftTimezone | varchar(32) | VARCHAR(32) | Time zone |
bud_broadsoftSystemName | varchar(128) | VARCHAR(128) | Broadsoft user system name |
bud_accountId | varchar(16) | VARCHAR(16) | Identifier of the account |
bud_externalReferenceChar | varchar(64) | VARCHAR(64) | External reference character |
bud_externalReferenceNum | bigint | NUMBER(38,0) | External reference number |
bud_locationId | varchar(64) | VARCHAR(64) | Identifier of the location |
bud_broadsoftFQUserId | varchar(161) | VARCHAR(161) | Identifier of the broadsoft fully qualified user |
bud_lastUpdateTimestamp | datetime2(7) | TIMESTAMP_NTZ(9) | Broadsoft user last update timestamp |
bud_parentEipId | varchar(16) | VARCHAR(16) | The account identifier |
bud_entryTimestamp | datetime2(7) | TIMESTAMP_NTZ(9) | The time in which the broadsoft user has been added. |
bud_userCategory | varchar(16) | VARCHAR(16) | User category type. Possib;e values:
CountryDimension | |||
Column Name | Data Type | Snowflake Type | Description |
cd_dialCountryCode | int | NUMBER(38,0) | The country dial code |
cd_displayName | varchar(64) | VARCHAR(64) | The country display name |
cd_officialName | varchar(64) | VARCHAR(64) | The country official name |
cd_capital | varchar(48) | VARCHAR(48) | The capital |
cd_continent | varchar(2) | VARCHAR(2) | Continent |
cd_currencyAlphaCode | varchar(3) | VARCHAR(3) | The currency alpha code |
cd_currencyCountryName | varchar(64) | VARCHAR(64) | The currency country name |
cd_currencyName | varchar(64) | VARCHAR(64) | The currency name |
cd_intermediateRegionName | varchar(64) | VARCHAR(64) | Intermediate regional name |
cd_iso3166Aplha2 | varchar(2) | VARCHAR(2) | The ISO 3166 Alpha2 code |
cd_iso3166Aplha3 | varchar(3) | VARCHAR(3) | The ISO 3166 Alpha3 code |
cd_languages | varchar(128) | VARCHAR(128) | Country language codes represented in a semicolon separated list |
cd_regionCode | int | NUMBER(38,0) | Region code |
cd_regionName | varchar(16) | VARCHAR(16) | Region Name |
cd_subRegionCode | int | NUMBER(38,0) | Sub region code |
cd_subRegionName | varchar(32) | VARCHAR(32) | Sub region name |
cd_topLevelDomain | varchar(3) | VARCHAR(3) | The top level domain |
cd_unTermName | varchar(64) | VARCHAR(64) | The country UNTERM name |
cd_unTermShortName | varchar(64) | VARCHAR(64) | The country UNTERM short name |
DateDimension | |||
Column Name | Data Type | Snowflake Type | Description |
dd_date | int | NUMBER(38,0) | Primary key represents the date (in the format of 'YYYYMMDD', For example: 20200101) |
dd_day | int | NUMBER(38,0) | The day in month numbering |
dd_dayNameLong | varchar(9) | VARCHAR(9) | The day name |
dd_dayNameShort | char(3) | VARCHAR(3) | The day short name |
dd_dayOfQuarter | int | NUMBER(38,0) | The day of quarter numbering |
dd_dayOfWeekISO | int | NUMBER(38,0) | ISO day of week numbering |
dd_dayOfWeekInMonth | int | NUMBER(38,0) | The day of week in a month |
dd_dayOfWeekInYear | int | NUMBER(38,0) | The day of week in a year |
dd_dayOfWeekUSA | int | NUMBER(38,0) | USA day of week numbering |
dd_dayOfYear | int | NUMBER(38,0) | The number of day in year |
dd_daysInMonth | int | NUMBER(38,0) | The number of days in a month |
dd_daysInQuarter | int | NUMBER(38,0) | The number of days in a quarter |
dd_daysInYear | int | NUMBER(38,0) | The number of days in a year |
dd_firstDayOfMonth | int | NUMBER(38,0) | First day of month (in a format of 'YYYYMMDD') |
dd_firstDayOfQuarter | int | NUMBER(38,0) | First day of quarter (in a format of 'YYYYMMDD') |
dd_firstDayOfWeekISO | int | NUMBER(38,0) | ISO first day of week (in a format of 'YYYYMMDD') |
dd_firstDayOfWeekUSA | int | NUMBER(38,0) | USA first day of week (in a format of 'YYYYMMDD') |
dd_firstDayOfYear | int | NUMBER(38,0) | The first day of year (in a format of 'YYYYMMDD') |
dd_holidayOther | int | NUMBER(38,0) | Future use |
dd_holidayUSA | int | NUMBER(38,0) | Future use |
dd_lastDayOfMonth | int | NUMBER(38,0) | Last day of month (in a format of 'YYYYMMDD') |
dd_lastDayOfQuarter | int | NUMBER(38,0) | Last day of quarter (in a format of 'YYYYMMDD') |
dd_lastDayOfWeekISO | int | NUMBER(38,0) | ISO last day of week (in a format of 'YYYYMMDD') |
dd_lastDayOfWeekUSA | int | NUMBER(38,0) | USA last day of week (in a format of 'YYYYMMDD') |
dd_lastDayOfYear | int | NUMBER(38,0) | The last day of the year (in a format of 'YYYYMMDD') |
dd_month | int | NUMBER(38,0) | Month number |
dd_monthNameLong | varchar(9) | VARCHAR(9) | Long month name |
dd_monthNameShort | char(3) | VARCHAR(3) | Short month name |
dd_monthOfQuarter | int | NUMBER(38,0) | The month of quarter numbering. |
dd_quarter | int | NUMBER(38,0) | The number of quarter within the year (1-4) |
dd_weekOfMonthISO | int | NUMBER(38,0) | The ISO week of month numbering |
dd_weekOfMonthUSA | int | NUMBER(38,0) | The USA week of month numbering |
dd_weekOfQuarterISO | int | NUMBER(38,0) | The ISO week of quarter numbering |
dd_weekOfQuarterUSA | int | NUMBER(38,0) | The USA week of quarter numbering |
dd_weekOfYearISO | int | NUMBER(38,0) | The ISO week numbering year |
dd_weekOfYearUSA | int | NUMBER(38,0) | The USA week numbering year |
dd_year | int | NUMBER(38,0) | Represents the year |
dd_yearAndMonth | int | NUMBER(38,0) | Represents the year and month in a format of 'YYYYMM' |
dd_isHolidayOther | bit (1=true/0=false) | BOOLEAN | Is other holiday flag |
dd_isHolidayUSA | bit (1=true/0=false) | BOOLEAN | Is USA holiday flag |
dd_isLeapYear | bit (1=true/0=false) | BOOLEAN | Is leap year flag |
dd_isWeekDay | bit (1=true/0=false) | BOOLEAN | Is week day flag |
dd_dateAsDate | date | DATE | Date representation as date in the format of (YYYY-MM-DD) |
LocationDimension | |||
Column Name | Data Type | Snowflake Type | Description |
lcd_id | int | NUMBER(38,0) | Primary key |
lcd_location | varchar(16) | VARCHAR(16) | Location identifier |
lcd_accountId | varchar(16) | VARCHAR(16) | Account identifier associated with the location |
lcd_addressCode | varchar(16) | VARCHAR(16) | Address code |
lcd_billingLocationName | varchar(128) | VARCHAR(128) | Billing location name |
lcd_city | varchar(64) | VARCHAR(64) | City |
lcd_country | varchar(16) | VARCHAR(16) | Country |
lcd_description | varchar(256) | VARCHAR(256) | Location description |
lcd_isDefault | bit (1=true/0=false) | BOOLEAN | Default flag |
lcd_isDisabled | bit (1=true/0=false) | BOOLEAN | Disable/Enabled flag |
lcd_isRepairFacility | bit (1=true/0=false) | BOOLEAN | Repair facility flag |
lcd_orgId | varchar(16) | VARCHAR(16) | Organization identifier |
lcd_postalCode | varchar(16) | VARCHAR(16) | ZIP/Postal code |
lcd_serviceAddressCode | varchar(16) | VARCHAR(16) | Service address code |
lcd_shipToAddressCode | varchar(16) | VARCHAR(16) | Ship to address code |
lcd_siteId | varchar(16) | VARCHAR(16) | The site identifier associated with the location |
lcd_stateProvince | varchar(16) | VARCHAR(16) | The state/province of the location |
lcd_status | varchar(16) | VARCHAR(16) | Location status. For example: ACTIVE, INACTIVE, 120 Active, OPERATING, 150 Idle |
lcd_streetAddress | varchar(256) | VARCHAR(256) | The physical street address associated with the location |
lcd_streetAddress2 | varchar(256) | VARCHAR(256) | Second street address |
lcd_type | varchar(16) | VARCHAR(16) | Location type. For example: HOLDING, SALVAGE, OPERATING, STOREROOM |
lcd_parentEipId | varchar(16) | VARCHAR(16) | Parent account identifier |
lcd_locationName | varchar(64) | VARCHAR(64) | Location name |
ProductDimension | |||
Column Name | Data Type | Snowflake Type | Description |
pd_id | int | NUMBER(38,0) | Primary key |
pd_productCode | varchar(64) | VARCHAR(64) | Product code |
pd_uniqueProductCode | varchar(64) | VARCHAR(64) | The unique product code |
pd_currencyIsoCode | varchar(3) | VARCHAR(3) | The currency ISO code |
pd_isProductRequiringApproval | bit (1=true/0=false) | BOOLEAN | Product Requiring Approval flag |
pd_isStandardPriceBook | bit (1=true/0=false) | BOOLEAN | Standard price book flag |
pd_isUseStandardPrice | bit (1=true/0=false) | BOOLEAN | Standard price use flag |
pd_partnerDiscountFromRetail | decimal(12, 2) | NUMBER(12,2) | Partner discount from retail |
pd_pointInTimeRetailPrice | decimal(12, 2) | NUMBER(12,2) | Point in time retail price |
pd_priceBookDescription | varchar(256) | VARCHAR(256) | Price book description |
pd_priceBookName | varchar(64) | VARCHAR(64) | Price book name |
pd_priceOverride | decimal(12, 2) | NUMBER(12,2) | Price override |
pd_productCategory | varchar(32) | VARCHAR(32) | Product category |
pd_productCount | decimal(12, 2) | NUMBER(12,2) | Product count |
pd_productName | varchar(128) | VARCHAR(128) | Product name |
pd_proposalGrouping | varchar(32) | VARCHAR(32) | Proposal grouping |
pd_revenueType | varchar(8) | VARCHAR(8) | The revenue type |
pd_stage | varchar(32) | VARCHAR(32) | Product stage |
pd_subFamily | varchar(64) | VARCHAR(64) | Product sub family |
pd_taxServiceType | varchar(4) | VARCHAR(4) | Product tax service type |
pd_taxTransactionType | varchar(4) | VARCHAR(4) | Product tax transaction type |
pd_unitPrice | decimal(12, 4) | NUMBER(12,4) | Product unit price |
SystemDimension | |||
Column Name | Data Type | Snowflake Type | Description |
sd_id | int | NUMBER(38,0) | Primary key |
sd_hostName | varchar(128) | VARCHAR(128) | System host name |
sd_hostAbbr | varchar(16) | VARCHAR(16) | System host abbreviation |
sd_country | varchar(32) | VARCHAR(32) | Country |
sd_description | varchar(128) | VARCHAR(128) | System description |
sd_groupAbbr | varchar(16) | VARCHAR(16) | System group abbreviation |
sd_groupName | varchar(64) | VARCHAR(64) | System group name |
sd_ipAddr | varchar(16) | VARCHAR(16) | System IP address |
sd_platformAbbr | varchar(16) | VARCHAR(16) | Platform abbreviation |
sd_platformName | varchar(64) | VARCHAR(64) | The platform name |
sd_platformNumber | varchar(6) | VARCHAR(6) | The platform number |
sd_region | varchar(32) | VARCHAR(32) | Region |
sd_service | varchar(16) | VARCHAR(16) | Service |
sd_softwareVersion | varchar(24) | VARCHAR(24) | System software version |
sd_systemAbbr | varchar(16) | VARCHAR(16) | System abbreviation |
sd_systemName | varchar(64) | VARCHAR(64) | System name |
sd_type | varchar(32) | System type | |
TimeOfDayDimension | |||
Column Name | Data Type | Snowflake Type | Description |
td_timeOfDay | int | NUMBER(38,0) | Primary key |
td_amPm | char(2) | VARCHAR(2) | AM or PM |
td_firstSecondOfHalfHour | int | NUMBER(38,0) | The first second of half an hour numbering |
td_firstSecondOfHour | int | NUMBER(38,0) | The first second of an hour numbering |
td_firstSecondOfQuarterHour | int | NUMBER(38,0) | The first second of quarter an hour numbering |
td_halfHourOfDay | int | NUMBER(38,0) | The half hour of the day numbering (1-48) |
td_halfHourOfHour | int | NUMBER(38,0) | The half our of an hour numbering (1 or 2) |
td_hour12 | int | NUMBER(38,0) | Hour is 12 in 12 hour clock (1-12) |
td_hour24 | int | NUMBER(38,0) | Hour in 24 hour clock (0-23) |
td_lastSecondOfHalfHour | int | NUMBER(38,0) | The last second of half an hour numbering |
td_lastSecondOfHour | int | NUMBER(38,0) | The last second of an hour numbering |
td_lastSecondOfQuarterHour | int | NUMBER(38,0) | The last second of quarter an hour numbering |
td_minute | int | NUMBER(38,0) | The minute in an hour numbering (1-60) |
td_quarterHourOfDay | int | NUMBER(38,0) | The quarter hour of the day numbering (1-96) |
td_quarterHourOfHour | int | NUMBER(38,0) | The quarter hour of an hour numbering (1- 4) |
td_second | int | NUMBER(38,0) | The second in hour numbering |
td_secondOfDay | int | NUMBER(38,0) | The second of the day numbering |
td_todString | char(6) | VARCHAR(6) | Time of day representation as a string |
td_timeAsTime24 | char(8) | VARCHAR(8) | Time of day representation in a 24 hour clock in the format of 'hh:mm:ss' |
TD_QUARTERHOURLABEL | varchar(13) | VARCHAR(13) | |
TD_HALFHOURLABEL | varchar(13) | VARCHAR(13) | |
TD_HOURLABEL | varchar(13) | VARCHAR(13) | |
TaxServiceTypeDimension | |||
Column Name | Data Type | Snowflake Type | Description |
tst_id | int | NUMBER(38,0) | Primary key |
tst_code | varchar(4) | VARCHAR(4) | Tax service code |
tst_description | varchar(64) | VARCHAR(64) | Tax service description |
TaxTransactionTypeDimension | |||
Column Name | Data Type | Snowflake Type | Description |
ttt_id | int | NUMBER(38,0) | Primary key |
ttt_code | varchar(4) | VARCHAR(4) | Tax transaction code |
ttt_description | varchar(64) | VARCHAR(64) | Tax transaction description |