DaaS Taskbar Icon issues:

     -For cases where end users have shortcuts pinned to their taskbar that suddenly stop working.  

  • Users may report that the pinned shortcuts are suddenly blank or give an error stating that the path is no longer found.

This is usually related to users that have Folder Redirection.

  • To troubleshoot:  Navigate to the user folders that are redirected. 
  • When in the proper users directory go to  username\AppData\Roamin\Microsoft\Internet Explorer\Wuick Launch\User Pinned\TaskBar
  • Look for Duplicate entries.  I have found that if too many duplicates are found in this folder that Group Policy cannot successfully synchronize Folder Redirection
  • Clear out any duplicates.
  • After reducing the duplicates you should then be able pin or unpin shortcuts to the TaskBar and see the changes reflected in the folder on the server.
  • Log off and back on to ensure the shortcuts continue to work.

This can also improve overall DaaS performance once cleaned up.

------The user's folder path may vary between clients------