
GFS retention allows for long-term retention of backups. These include weekly, monthly, quarterly and yearly recovery points. 

This is done through a Copy Backup within Veeam. If you require longer backup retention vai this method please reach out to support at so that we can assist.
Copy jobs are not available in the Self-Service portal. However, once configured by EvolveIP you will receive job status updates. These can be configured to notify on job success, warning, and failures so you are always informed on the job results.

To create a copy job the source VM must already exist in a VM backup job.


Copy jobs work by copying data from your primary VM backup jobs to a secondary location for long term retention. This could be in another EvolveIP DataCenter or just another folder within the same repository. By using this method another backup does not need to occur on your source VMs and cuts down on snapshots.

At first the copy job will copy a full backup file from the primary VM backup job.
Then each day when the copy job interval starts it will copy any incremental backups, merge the full copy backup if retention is met, and if triggered roll off a weekly, monthly, quarterly, or yearly retention point.

GFS Retention does require more space than a normal VM backup job as each recovery point is independent from the rest making for better portability of the data.


Calculate Space Required for GFS Retention
Scenario 1Scenario 2

Full: 1TB

Average Incremental: 150GBFull: 3TBAverage Incremental: 230GB

Retention: 7 Days

Weekly: 0

Monthly: 12

Quarterly: 0

Yearly: 2

Retention: 2 Days

Weekly: 0

Monthly: 1

Quarterly: 4

Yearly: 7

Once retention is met the following backups will be on disk:

Full: 15 x 1TB
Incremental: 6 x 150GB

Once retention is met the following backups will be on disk:

Full: 13 x  3TB
Incremental: 1 x 230GB

The above will require at least 16,260GB of space after 2 years.The above will require 40,166GB of space after 7 years.
*The above calculations do not factor in backup growth over time.