
You can utilize the Self-Service portal to perform file level recovery of items running Windows OS and contained within a backup job in your portal. From the self-service portal it is possible to mount a restore point from a specific time and browse the files within. You are then able to restore a single file or add files into a group to be restored or downloaded.

This feature should be used for smaller files that need restored back in place or downloaded to a different location. The files should remain under 25GB in size. If a file that needs restored is larger than 25GB it is best if a single drive is restored and connected to a destination machine to allow the files to be restored. To complete this process, please contact support at and let them know which drive needs to be restored and which machine it should be connected to.

File level items within Linux are unable to be restored in this method. To get file level items restored in Linux it is best to either restore the entire machine and attach it to the network with a different network address and copy the files, or contact support at and let them know which drive should be attached to which existing machine. The files can then be copied and EvolveIP can remove the drive.