
If needed you can manually start and monitor a backup job from the Self-Service portal. Once started, you can then monitor the job progress. You are also able to review past job logs from the same location.


Running a Backup Job

  1. Click on the Jobs tab.
  2. Click on the empty space to the right of the job name you wish to run, this will highlight the job.
  3. Click to start the job.
  4. Click Status to monitor the progress of the job if desired.

Monitoring Job Progress

  1. Click on the Jobs tab.
  2. Click on the Status of the job you want to monitor.
    1. Click  to update the page view if needed.
  3. Click Details to see the overall status of the job.
  4. Click next to a VM to monitor progress of the individual VM.

Reviewing Job Logs

  1. Click on the Jobs tab.
  2. Click on the Name of the job you want to review.
    1. This will load the job history for review.
  3. Click on the Status of the backup job's date and time you want to review.
  4. The inital page will provide information for each VM and vApp including the rate at which they backed up as well as how much data was transferred.
  5. Click Details at the top of the page to review the job as a whole.
    1. Click Export to export the details to an XLS document.
  6. Click the empty space to the right of an Object to review details for that specific object.
  7. Click the on the breadcrumbs to return back to the Jobs tab.

Stopping a Backup Job

  1. Click on the Jobs tab.
  2. Click on the empty space to the right of the job name you wish to run, this will highlight the job.
  3. Click to stop the job.
  4. The job will complete the task it is working on and then stop.
    1. Depending on what step the job is on, this may take some time.
    2. You can click on the Status to monitor the progress.
  5. Once stopped, the job will show failed.