The ECS Admin Summary page provides a high level overview of your current Contact Center setup including Concurrent license count, BP Count and total number of Agent and Supervisor profiles.
- Your Organization - total number of Channels, BPs, Agents and Supervisors as well as current ECS version
- Concurrent Licensing - number of concurrent licenses available for Agents, Supervisors and the Wallboard
- Business Process Information - shows all available Business Processes in the Contact Center, its end point and total assigned agents and supervisors
- Business Process - clicking on a business process provide more detailed information about the BPs setup, such as agents assigned to the BP, assigned email, SMS DIDs and business hours.
Your Organization
Your Organization shows the following:
- Total number of Channels provisioned
- Total number Business Processes provisioned
- Total number of Agent Profiles provisioned
- Total number of Supervisor Profiles provisioned
- Current ECS Version deployed to your Contact Center
Concurrent Licensing
Concurrent licensing represents the total number of agents, supervisors and wallboards that can be logged in at one time. If all licenses are being utilized and an agent or supervisor tries to log in they will receive an error message indicate there are currently no licenses available for the agent or supervisor to log in.
Business Process Information
Business Process Information shows all Business Processes provisioned in your Contact Center. It provide the following information:
- Name
- End Point (extension)
- Total number of Agents assigned to the BP
- Total number of Supervisors assigned to the BP
To see the full list of agents assigned to a Business Process, click on the Agent icon within the Business Process window
. This will pull up a full list of assigned agents to the Business Process . The full list of Supervisors can be shown but clicking on the Supervisor Icon within the Assigned Agents view or the Business Process View .To view more detailed information about the Business Process, click directly on a Business Process and select the Info Icon
Within the detailed Business View you will see the following information:
- BP Name
- Endpoint (extension)
- Total Number of Assigned Agents and Supervisors
- Answer Time Goal (sec) for the following Media types: Telephony, Chat. Email and SMS
- Unique Outgoing DID if one has been assigned to the BP
- Operational Hours if they fall outside of regular operating hours
- From and BCC Email addresses if any have been configured for email
- Alternate email addresses if configured and ECS SMTP Email has been enabled
- Assigned SMS DIDS