- Created by Greg Sullivan, last modified on Nov 12, 2024
Evolve Contact Suite – eSupervisor (Beta) (ECS Version 2024.10.0.76) edited 11/12/2024
What is the Evolve Contact Suite eSupervisor?
eSupervisor is the web-based version of our ECS Supervisor Client, eliminating the need to install the Supervisor Client on the customer desktop computer.
eSupervisor will roll out in phases, adding functionality over time.
Please note that eSupervisor is currently in Beta. As such, customers should not report issues to Evolve Support . We do appreciate your feedback to help enhance the application.
For questions or problems please email the CCaaS Product team at ContactCenterFeedback@evolveip.net
Supported functions – 11/2024.
eSupervisor supports the creation of supervisor Wallboard cards, Supervised Agents and Interactions view.
Supervised Agents view can show/hide columns, Sort and Filter. Custom card sizing is now available.
Development for Interaction View is next
Supervised Interactions View - Shows current interactions. Users can show/hide and filter columns.
eSupervisor is in Beta- Please report all issues and questions to ContactCenterFeedback@evolveip.net
Training (under construction)
Formal Training content is in development as our product grows – Please reference the below instructions for guidance.
How To Access
eSupervisor functionality will be accessed through the eAgent tile in the Clearlogin portal. The login will be shown the additional Icon in the left navigation of the ECS Agent tile.
For supervisors with a separate Agent AND a supervisor account. Special steps will be required to create a second Clearlogin Tile.
Getting Started
Log in to the Clearlogin portal and click the ECS Agent tile.
Once logged into eAgent, click on the eSupervisor Icon on the Left Navigation bar-
This will open up the main window, which will be blank at first, only displaying only the New Wallboard along the left and three Control Buttons in the lower right corner.
Creating a New Wallboard –
In the bottom right corner of the screen you will see 3 buttons:
- Refresh button: refreshes the page to synch the slides interval
- Freeze button: slides interval button: stops the slides carrousel from changing slides.
- Wallboard settings button: opens the setting dialog where you can change font size, slides interval time, and control the wallboard cards (Add/Hide/Delete).
Create a Wallboard –
Click New Wallboard – Give it a name.
Wallboard Settings-
Once the Wallboard is created, click the Wallboard Setup button to open the Wallboard settings dialog box.
A Contact Center supervisor can set up multiple Wallboards to have different views.
In Wallboard Settings, you can set the following –
Cycle Rate: the time each card will refresh or “slide”
Font Size: size of lettering in Cards
Add New Card
Begin adding a new Wallboard card by clicking Add New Card and choosing the Card Type
Card Selection Dialog
Click on the drop-down arrow to see the Card Types:
- Average Speed to Answer
- Service Level
- Agent States
- Queued Interactions
- Average Ring Time
- Longest Waiting Time
- Callbacks
- Supervised Agent
- Supervised interactions
WIdget cards are Dial / Speedometer style.
Supervised Agents and Supervised Interactions are Tabular view with Rows and Columns (similar to the Supervisor program)
Once you have picked a Card Type, click on Create. This will save your new card to the main Wallboard slide screen. The new card can be found in the Wallboard Settings under “Wallboard Cards”. Refer to the “Card Type Setup Display Values2” section for more details.
Edit Wallboard Card
To edit a Wallboard, find the 3-dots next to the Wallboard name. Click and select Edit.
In the Wallboard Settings dialog box, you can:
- Edit the Wallboard Name: Click on the name field.
- Edit the Wallboard slide cards: Set slide intervals by clicking in the field to increase or decrease the number of seconds to change the slides.
- Edit the Wallboard Font Size: Drag the slider to your preferred card size.
- View/Edit a Wallboard card.
- Hide/Show the card
- Delete a Wallboard card: This will delete the Wallboard card.
- NOTE: Deleting a card cannot be undone.
- Save button: Save changes.
To Delete a wallboard, find the 3-dots next to the Wallboard name. Click and select Delete. You must have at least one Wallboard configured, so you cannot delete the last one.
Card Configuration
To change a cards configuration, click the pencil icon on the top right corner of the card
Card Configuration Dialog Box
In Card Configuration you can:
Edit Card Name – point and highlight to rename the Card Name.
Change Card Size – click on the dropdown arrow to change the card size (Options are Small, Medium, Large)
Edit Slide Settings – click on the slide name to open the slide settings dialog box.
Slide Settings Dialog Box
Slide settings vary depending on the type of card. However, in every card you can edit:
Slide Name: edit the name of the slide,
Business Processes: select either one or multiple Business Processes (BPs),
Show as Graph: These card types have this option (States, Interactions, or Callbacks. Service Level card also has a range selection option)
Discard: Abandons the changes to the slide
Save: Saves changes to the slide
Business Process Card Filters (filters specific to BP cards)
Interaction Type Filter: Filter what shows on the slide by what the interaction state – All states are historical except Waiting which is a count of live interactions in the BP
Media Type Filter: Filters by Media type.
Agent Card Filters (filter specific to Agent cards)
Agent State - Select which agent States you'd like to monitor.
Supervised Agents and Supervised Interactions Cards
To add the Supervised Agents View- Add a new Card to your Wallboard and Select Supervised Agents or Supervised Interactions. Click Create
The card will appear it will list Agent names at first. Click the Gear Icon to edit the card columns and sorting.
Supervised Agents/Supervised Interactions configuration.
Controls in these windows are:
Show Columns: select which columns to Show- Check mark means the Columns are Shown (ALL Columns are not shown by default). Click Save.
(in this example, Agent State, Agent State Time and Interaction State will be Shown)
Columns and Filters
Like Supervisor, you can move columns and Filter. Here’s how to do this in eSupervisor.
Reorder Columns: Click the Settings Icon Then click Reorder Columns.
With your mouse, Click and Hold to drag columns left and right to your liking. Click Save when you have it the way you want.
Display Agents: Filter by Specific Agents, (or interactions) checked means they will be seen. Click Save.
You can apply custom filters on each column. Multiple filters can be applied as well.
Click on the column name and check the boxes you wish to filter. (check box is included, unchecked is not)
Remember to click Filter Enable to apply the filter.
In this example any Offline Agents are being filtered out.
Main Window configuration
Once you have set the columns, and the order, you can also choose to Sort the view by column in Ascending or Descending Order
Hover over the column you’d like to sort by and click the column to change sort-order. You can only sort by one column at this time
Card Resizing
You can customize the size of the cards you make. Click the Pen icon in the upper right corner of the Card
The Card Configuration box will open
You can resize the card by Width and Height. Options are by Percent, Pixels or View Window. It’s suggested to save this step for last once the columns, filters and sorting are applied.
Set Up Tips and Tricks–
Here are some setup tips
Keep the view simple.
Less is more, a cluttered display will often lead you to miss finer details. Think through your most important criteria and focus on those.
Use Slides!
Rather than creating Multiple Cards each with a single slide for Stats on multiple BPs or Agents, Create 1 Card with multiple slides.
This works for Business Process and Agent State Cards.
This card example rolls through 3 slides (1 per BP)
You can also click on the circles on the Left to jump to a specific slide, if you need to.
Use multiple Wallboards
If you occasionally support other Managers, make a separate Wallboard for their BP’s.
I have a problem, question or need help .
eSupervisor is in Beta- Please report all issues and questions to ContactCenterFeedback@evolveip.net.
One of our product specialists will assist.
Can I change the font size?
- Under Wallboard Settings. You can this affects Font size in cards. There are 5 different sizes,
Can I change the Card Size? Yes. click on Card Configuration (Pencil Icon) on the card and pick the size you like for your card.
What happens if I don't add a name to a new Card?
- If you have only selected one Business Process, then the name for that Card will be the same as that Business Process. If not then a default name of "Slide 1" will be added.
Is there an easy way to select/unselect all Business Processes?
- Yes, there is a "Select all" option which acts as a toggle between selecting all or unselecting all of the Business Processes.
Which Cards have a Graph?
- Agent States
- Queued Interactions
- Callbacks
- Service Level
eSupervisor Timeout
The eAgent console has a setting that defaults the view back to the Agent Dashboard. As a supervisor - be aware of that, and set it to your preference.
To change, go to Settings (gear Icon on Left) – find Show Stats When Idle
If there are any errors:
- Always check the browser console for any error logs, and record and handle them through the correct channel.
- Only if you have access to the web-server logs, verify the Debug Level request, and the Info Level Response, for any possible ambiguities, record and handle them through the correct channel.
- If you are a developer, create your own logs, from both web-client and web-server sides, but remember to not push them to the repo.
- There are times when the actual data format or integrity from the ECS Core could have changed so ask around and send them the logs you have found.
How to access the browser console:
This mostly depends on each browser, so we'll list the major ones.
- Chrome:
- F12
- Ctrl + Shift + J (Cmd + Option + J on Mac)
- Right-click -> Inspect -> Console Tab
- Save => Click the download button, Export HAR, to download, and save the file to your computer: Save as HAR with Content
- Edge:
- F12 Key
- Right-click -> Inspect Element -> Console Tab
- Save -> Export captured traffic as a HAR file
- Firefox:
- Ctrl + Shift + J (Cmd + Shift + J on a Mac)
- Right-click -> Inspect -> Console Tab
- Save-> Right-click anywhere under the File column and click Save All As HAR
- Opera:
- Ctrl + Shift + I
- Right Click -> Inspect Element -> Console Tab
- Save-> Click the Export icon and save the HAR file.
Here you can see any of the debug logs coming from the events-server, or any other logs you have added if you did any console logging on the client.
Evolve Contact Suite – eSupervisor (Beta) -First Draft
What is the Evolve Contact Suite eSupervisor?
eSupervisor is the web-based version of our ECS Supervisor Client, eliminating the need to install the Supervisor Client on the customer desktop computer.
eSupervisor will roll out in phases, adding functionality over time.
Please note that eSupervisor is currently in Beta. As such, customers should not report issues to Evolve Support . We do appreciate your feedback to help enhance the application.
For questions or problems please email the CCaaS Product team at ContactCenterFeedback@evolveip.net
Supported functions – 008/2024.
As of Release 5.4.25 eSupervisor supports the creation of supervisor Wallboard cards, and Supervised Agents view.
Supervised Agents view can show/hide columns, Sort and Filter. Custom card sizing is now available.
Development for Interaction View is next
eSupervisor is in Beta- Please report all issues and questions to ContactCenterFeedback@evolveip.net
Training (under construction)
Formal Training content is in development as our product grows – Please reference the below tip sheet for guidance.
How To Access
eSupervisor functionality will be accessed through the eAgent tile in the Clearlogin portal. The login will be shown the additional Icon in the left navigation of the ECS Agent tile.
For supervisors with a separate Agent AND a supervisor account. Special steps will be required to create a second Clearlogin Tile.
Getting Started
Log in to the Clearlogin portal and click the ECS Agent tile.
Once logged into eAgent, click on the eSupervisor Icon on the Left Navigation bar-
This will open up the main window, which will be blank at first, only displaying only the New Wallboard along the left and three Control Buttons in the lower right corner.
Creating a New Wallboard –
In the bottom right corner of the screen you will see 3 buttons:
- Refresh button: refreshes the page to synch the slides interval
- Freeze button: slides interval button: stops the slides carrousel from changing slides.
- Wallboard settings button: opens the setting dialog where you can change font size, slides interval time, and control the wallboard cards (Add/Hide/Delete).
Create a Wallboard –
Click New Wallboard – Give it a name.
Wallboard Settings-
Once the Wallboard is created, click the Wallboard Setup button to open the Wallboard settings dialog box.
A Contact Center supervisor can set up multiple Wallboards to have different views.
In Wallboard Settings, you can set the following –
Cycle Rate: the time each card will refresh or “slide”
Font Size: size of lettering in Cards
Add New Card
Begin adding a new Wallboard card by clicking Add New Card and choosing the Card Type
Card Selection Dialog
Click on the drop-down arrow to see the Card Types:
- Average Speed to Answer
- Service Level
- Agent States
- Queued Interactions
- Average Ring Time
- Longest Waiting Time
- Callbacks
- Supervised Agent
With the exception of Supervised Agent, all the cards are Dial / Speedometer style.
Supervised Agent is Tabular view with Rows and Columns (similar to the Supervisor program)
(Interactions view is being developed currently and coming soon)
Once you have picked a Card Type, click on Create. This will save your new card to the main Wallboard slide screen. The new card can be found in the Wallboard Settings under “Wallboard Cards”. Refer to the “Card Type Setup Display Values2” section for more details.
Edit Wallboard Card
To edit a Wallboard, find the 3-dots next to the Wallboard name. Click and select Edit.
In the Wallboard Settings dialog box, you can:
- Edit the Wallboard Name: Click on the name field.
- Edit the Wallboard slide cards: Set slide intervals by clicking in the field to increase or decrease the number of seconds to change the slides.
- Edit the Wallboard Font Size: Drag the slider to your preferred card size.
- View/Edit a Wallboard card.
- Hide/Show the card /
- Delete a Wallboard card: This will delete the Wallboard card.
- NOTE: Deleting a card cannot be undone.
- Save button: Save changes.
To Delete a wallboard find the 3-dots next to the Wallboard name. Click and select Delete. You must have at least one Wallboard configured, so you cannot delete the last one.
Card Configuration
To change a cards configuration, click the pencil icon on the top right corner of the card
Card Configuration Dialog Box
In Card Configuration you can:
Edit Card Name – point and highlight to rename the Card Name.
Change Card Size – click on the dropdown arrow to change the card size (Options are Small, Medium, Large)
Edit Slide Settings – click on the slide name to open the slide settings dialog box.
Slide Settings Dialog Box
Slide settings vary depending on the type of card. However, in every card you can edit:
Slide Name: edit the name of the slide,
Business Processes: select either one or multiple Business Processes (BPs),
Show as Graph: These card types have this option (States, Interactions, or Callbacks. Service Level card also has a range selection option)
Discard: Abandons the changes to the slide
Save: Saves changes to the slide
Business Process Card Filters (filters specific to BP cards)
Interaction Type Filter: Filter what shows on the slide by what the interaction state – All states are historical except Waiting which is a count of live interactions in the BP
Media Type Filter: Filters by Media type.
Agent Card Filter (filter specific to Agent cards)
Agent State Filter
Supervised Agents Card
To add the Supervised Agents View- Add a new Card to your Wallboard and Select Supervised Agents. Click Create
The Supervised Agents card will appear it will list Agent names at first. Click the Gear Icon to edit the card columns and sorting.
Supervised Agents configuration.
Controls in this window are:
Show Columns: select which columns to Show- Check mark means the Columns are Shown (ALL Columns are not shown by default). Click Save.
(in this example, Agent State, Agent State Time and Interaction State will be Shown)
Columns and Filters
Like Supervisor, you can move columns and Filter. Here’s how to do this in eSupervisor.
Reorder Columns: Click the Settings Icon / Then Click
With your mouse, Click and Hold to drag columns left and right to your liking. Click Save when you have it the way you want.
Display Agents: Filter by Specific Agents, checked means they will be seen. Click Save.
You can apply custom filters on each column. Multiple filters can be applied as well.
Click on the column name and check the boxes you wish to filter. (check box is included, unchecked is not)
Remember to click Filter Enable to apply the filter.
In this example any Offline Agents are being filtered out.
Main Window configuration
Once you have set the columns, and the order, you can also choose to Sort the view by column in Ascending or Descending Order
Hover over the column you’d like to sort by and click the column to change sort-order. You can only sort by one column at this time
Card Resizing
You can customize the size of the cards you make. Click the Pen icon in the upper right corner of the Card
The Card Configuration box will come up
You can resize the card by Width and Height. Options are by Percent, Pixels or View Window. It’s suggested to save this step for last once the columns, filters and sorting are applied.
Set Up Tips and Tricks–
Here are some setup tips
Keep the view simple.
Less is more, a cluttered display will often lead you to miss finer details. Think through your most important criteria and focus on those.
Use Slides!
Rather than creating Multiple Cards each with a single slide for Stats on multiple BPs or Agents, Create 1 Card with multiple slides.
This works for Business Process and Agent State Cards.
This card example rolls through 3 slides (1 per BP)
You can also click on the circles on the Left to jump to a specific slide, if you need to.
Use multiple Wallboards
If you occasionally support other Managers, make a separate Wallboard for their BP’s.
I have a problem, question or need help .
eSupervisor is in Beta- Please report all issues and questions to ContactCenterFeedback@evolveip.net.
One of our product specialists will assist.
Can I change the font size?
- Under Wallboard Settings. You can this affects Font size in cards. There are 5 different sizes,
Can I change the Card Size? Yes. click on Card Configuration (Pencil Icon) on the card and pick the size you like for your card.
What happens if I don't add a name to a new Card?
- If you have only selected one Business Process, then the name for that Card will be the same as that Business Process. If not then a default name of "Slide 1" will be added.
Is there an easy way to select/unselect all Business Processes?
- Yes, there is a "Select all" option which acts as a toggle between selecting all or unselecting all of the Business Processes.
Which Cards have a Graph?
- Agent States
- Queued Interactions
- Callbacks
- Service Level
eSupervisor Timeout
The eAgent console has a setting that defaults the view back to the Agent Dashboard. As a supervisor - be aware of that, and set it to your preference.
To change, go to Settings (gear Icon on Left) – find Show Stats When Idle
If there are any errors:
- Always check the browser console for any error logs, and record and handle them through the correct channel.
- Only if you have access to the web-server logs, verify the Debug Level request, and the Info Level Response, for any possible ambiguities, record and handle them through the correct channel.
- If you are a developer, create your own logs, from both web-client and web-server sides, but remember to push them to the repository.
- There are times when the actual data format or integrity from the ECS Core could have changed so ask around and send them the logs you have found.
How to access the browser console:
This mostly depends on each browser, so we'll list the major ones.
- Chrome:
- F12
- Ctrl + Shift + J (Cmd + Option + J on Mac)
- Right-click > Inspect > Console Tab
- Save => Click the download button, Export HAR, to download, and save the file to your computer: Save as HAR with Content
- Edge:
- F12 Key
- Right-click > Inspect show;Element > Console Tab
- Save -> Export captured traffic as a HAR file
- Firefox:
- Ctrl + Shift + J (Cmd + Shift + J on a Mac)
- shown.Right-click > serverInspect > Console Tab
- Save-> Right-click anywhere under the File column and click Save All As HAR
- Opera:
- Ctrl + Shift + I
- Right Click -> Inspect Element -> Console Tab
- Save-> Click the Export icon and save the HAR file.
Here you can see any of the debug logs coming from the events-server or any other logs you have added if you did any console logging on the client.
- No labels