Please review the ECS Report User Guide for the full report documentation.

Please use the Table of Contents to the right to access additional information.

On this page:

Key Reports for New Clients

For new clients, we suggest the following reports to get familiar with the types of information readily available to the contact center leadership team.

Leadership Question


How is my contact center performing?

7.03 Contact Center Performance Report

How are my agents performing?

2.04 Agent Interaction Summary

Where are the details on every interaction?

4.01 Detailed Business Entity Report

Where are the details on my Agents?

2.01 Detailed Agent Interactions Report

What happened on a specific interaction?

4.02 Destination Trace Report

How many total calls did I receive? On a specific phone number?

4.09 Voice Billing Report - Summary Only

Please see the Core Reports for more information about the different types of reports and our recommendations.

Field Definitions


Interaction Type(s)




Inbound Interactions

Callback, Chat, Email, Fax, Telephony

the number of inbound customer interactions that entered this BP

Callbacks Completed

Business Process: Telephony

the number of callbacks that were successfully handled

Calls Abandoned

Business Process: Telephony

the number of callers that hung up before reaching any final destination

Calls Disconnected

Business Process: Telephony

the number of calls that were terminated by an activity in the call flow

Calls Not Queued

Business Process: Telephony

the number of calls received that never entered a Queue step

Abandonment Rate (%)

Business Process: Telephony and Chat

The number of abandons / number of queued interaction of that type

Outbound Calls

Business Process: Outgoing External

the number of outbound calls placed outside of the organization by agents on behalf of this BP (Outgoing External Interactions)

Service Level

Business Process: Incoming

the overall weighted % of inbound interactions that entered this BP, queued (across any channel), and achieved the intended goal

# of interactions (across all inbound interaction types) that queued and were answered within the defined goal

# of interactions that were queued minus any interactions that are excluded based upon defined criteria associated with each channel

Calls Transferred Externally

Business Process: Telephony

the number of interactions transferred outside ECS for handling (to a 3rd party phone number)

Answer Rate

Voice Queue: Telephony

the percentage of inbound customer calls that entered the queue and were answered by an agent

the number of inbound customer calls that entered the queue (minus any calls that are considered service level exclusions) and were answered by an agent

the number of inbound customer calls that entered the queue (minus any calls that are considered service level exclusions)

Calls Transferred by Agent

Voice Queue: Telephony

The number of answered calls which were then transferred out to any other destination (External DID, Agent, Channel, BP, HPBX user)

Calls Transferred by Agent %

Voice Queue: Telephony

The number of Calls Transferred by agents divided by the number of Calls Answered

Average Abandon Time (AAT)

Voice Queue: Telephony

for abandoned calls, the average amount of time a caller waited before hanging up

the total amount of wait time in the queue for inbound customer calls that entered the queue and abandoned prior to reaching an agent (minus the wait time for any calls that are considered service level exclusions)

the number of inbound customer calls that entered the queue and abandoned prior to reaching an agent (minus any calls that are considered service level exclusions)

Average Hold Time

Voice Queue: Telephony

for answered calls, the average amount of time a caller was placed on hold by an agent

for answered calls that were placed on hold by an agent, the total amount of hold time those callers experienced

the number of answered calls that were placed on hold by an agent

Average Handle Time (AHT)

Voice Queue: Telephony

Calculated as sum of talk + hold + wrap/The count of queued calls that were answered

Average Speed of  Answer (ASA)

Voice Queue: Telephony

for answered calls, the average amount of time a caller waited before an agent answered that includes queue time and ring time

the total amount of time that answered calls waited (queue time + ring time)

the number of answered calls

Average Talk Time (ATT)

Voice Queue: Telephony

the average amount of time that callers are on the phone actively speaking with an agent

the total amount of time that answered calls were actively connected to an agent and not placed on hold

the number of answered calls

Callbacks Completed

Voice Queue: Callback,  Telephony

the number of telephony callbacks that were completed

Callbacks Requested

Voice Queue: Telephony

for any calls that entered the queue, the number of callers that opted-in to a callback instead of waiting for an agent

Calls Abandoned

Voice Queue: Telephony

for any calls that entered the queue, the number of inbound customer calls where the caller hung up before reaching any other final  destination

Calls Overflowed

Voice Queue: Telephony

for any calls that entered the queue, the number of inbound customer calls where the call reached a final destination other than the following: answered by an agent or abandoned by the customer.

Calls Queued

Voice Queue: Telephony

the number of calls that entered the queue  excluding any non-live call (a caller didn't initiate that interaction) such as Callbacks that were requested (to avoid double counting) or preview dialer calls.

Final Destination

Voice Queue: Telephony

For any calls that entered the queue, the following events are considered a final destination for that interaction:

* answered by an agent

* abandoned by the customer

* becomes a callback request

* the interaction is transferred outside ECS for handling (to a 3rd party phone number such as an outsourcer)

* customer leaves a voicemail message

* interaction is disconnected by the call flow

Longest Wait

Voice Queue: Telephony

for any calls that entered the queue, the maximum amount of time that a caller waited prior to reaching their final destination (answered, abandoned, or overflowed)

Service Level (SL)

Voice Queue: Telephony

the percentage of inbound customer calls that entered the queue and were answered by an agent within the specified goal (seconds)

the number of inbound customer calls that entered the queue (minus any calls that are considered service level exclusions) and were answered by an agent in the specified goal (seconds)

the number of inbound customer calls that entered the queue (minus any calls that are considered service level exclusions)

% of Intervals Meeting Service Level

Voice Queue: Telephony

the percentage of 15 minute intervals where the Service Level goal was achieved

the number of 15 minute intervals where a queued call was received and the Service Level goal was met

the number of 15 minute intervals where a queued call was received

Staffed Agents

Voice Queue: Telephony

the # of agents that were not in an Offline state during the time period

Voicemails Received

Voice Queue: Telephony

for any calls that entered the queue, the number of callers that left a voicemail instead of speaking with an agent

Total Calls Duration

Voice Queue: Telephony

Total Calls Duration

Includes all the call duration regardless of the filters exact start and stop time.  It will only look for calls handled within the selected period.


1.      Interaction A started at 13:05:00 and finished at 13:15:00

2.      Interaction B started at 13:19:00 and finished at 13:22:00

3.      Period: 13:10:00 - 13:20:00

4.      Total Calls Duration for A: 10 mins, for B: 3 mins

5.      Total Calls Prorated Duration for A: 5 mins, for B: 1 mins

Total Calls Prorated Duration

Voice Queue: Telephony

Prorated call durations start before the Start time filter or end after the End time filter.

Prorated duration will subtract the time that is outside the period filter from the call duration.  Provides adjusted minutes count for a specific period.

The calculation adjusts to the customer time zone.


1.      Interaction A started at 13:05:00 and finished at 13:15:00

2.      Interaction B started at 13:19:00 and finished at 13:22:00

3.      Period: 13:10:00 - 13:20:00

4.      Total Calls Duration for A: 10 mins, for B: 3 mins

5.      Total Calls Prorated Duration for A: 5 mins, for B: 1 mins

Talk Time %

Voice Queue: Telephony

Total Talk time for all agents during this interval divided by total handling time (talk+hold+wrap) for all agents in that time interval 

Hold Time %

Voice Queue: Telephony

Total Hold time for all agents during this interval divided by total handling time (talk+hold+wrap) for all agents in that time interval 

Wrap Up Time %

Voice Queue: Telephony

Total Wrap Up time for all agents during this interval divided by total handling time (talk+hold+wrap) for all agents in that time interval 

Answer Rate


the percentage of inbound customer chats that entered the queue and were answered by an agent

the number of inbound customer chats that entered the queue (minus any chats that are considered service level exclusions) and were answered by an agent

the number of inbound customer chats that entered the queue (minus any chats that are considered service level exclusions)

Average Agent Response


the average amount of time customers waited after they submitted a message in the chat window until the agent responded

the total amount of time that answered chats were "idle" from the time the customer sent a chat message until the agent responded

the total number of messages sent by customers inside a chat session (each chat session will typically have multiple messages sent by the customer) for all answered chat sessions

Average Chat Time


the average amount of time an agent spends on a chat interaction

the total amount of time that answered chats were "worked" by an agent from the time the chat interaction was delivered to an agent until the chat session ended

the number of answered chats

Average Speed of Answer


the average amount of time from when an chat was received from the customer until an agent responded

the total amount of time that answered chats waited from the time the customer chat was received until an agent chat response was sent

the number of answered chats

Chats Abandoned


for any chats that entered the queue, the number of inbound customer chats where the customer terminated their chat session before reaching their destination

Chats Overflowed


for any chats that entered the queue, the number of inbound customer chats where the chat reached a final destination other than the following: answered by an agent or abandoned by the customer.

Queued Chats


the number of chats that entered the queue

Longest Wait


for any chats that entered the queue, the maximum amount of time that a customer waited prior to receiving a chat response from an agent OR abandoned prior to receiving an agent response OR become a callback.

% of Intervals Meeting Service Level


the percentage of 15 minute intervals where the Service Level goal was achieved

the number of 15 minute intervals where a queued chat was received and the Service Level goal was met

the number of 15 minute intervals where a queued chat was received

Service Level


the percentage of inbound customer chats that entered the queue and an agent responded within the specified time goal

the number of inbound customer chats that entered the queue and an agent sent a response within the specified time goal

the number of inbound customer chats that entered the queue

Staffed Agents


the # of agents that were not in an Offline state during the time period

Average Email Time


the average amount of time an agent spends on an email response

the total amount of time that answered emails were "worked" by an agent from the time the email interaction was delivered to an agent until they sent a response

the number of answered emails

Average Speed of Answer


the average amount of time from when an email was received during business hours from the customer until an agent responded

the total amount of time that answered emails waited from the time the customer email was received until an agent email response was sent

the number of answered emails

Emails Remaining


the number of emails that remained in the queue at the end of the customer's day (based upon business hours)

the number of emails that remained in the queue waiting for an agent response when the BP closed

Emails Handled


the number of emails handled by an agent. This includes both queued emails and those rescheduled by an agent.

Emails Overflowed


for any emails that entered the queue, the number of inbound customer emails where the email reached a final destination other than the following: answered by an agent.

Emails Rescheduled


for any emails that entered the queue, the number of emails that were manually scheduled by an agent to be answered at a later time

Longest Wait


for any emails that entered the queue, the maximum amount of time that a customer waited prior to receiving an email response from an agent

Queued Emails


the number of emails that entered the queue  during the specified time period. This excludes any "rescheduled" (or Callback) emails.

Service Level


the percentage of inbound customer emails that entered the queue and an agent sent an email response within the specified time goal

the number of inbound customer emails that entered the queue and an agent sent an email response within the specified time goal

the number of inbound customer emails that entered the queue

Staffed Agents


the # of agents that were not in an Offline state during the time period

Busy Time


Offer Time + Talk Time + Chat Time + Email Time + Fax Time + Wrap-up Time + Hold Time (overlapping interactions will not be accumulated)

Login Time


Handle Outgoing Time + Break Time + Back Office Time + Idle Time + Busy Time

Idle Time


Agent is in the Ready State and is waiting to receive an interaction



((Busy Time divided by (Busy Time + Idle Time))*100

Handle Time


Talk Time + Chat Time + Email Time + Fax Time + Wrap Up Time + Hold Time

Total Online


The number of agents that logged in during the specified time period

Total Available


The number of agents that entered a Ready state during the specified time period

Occupancy Pct


The cumulative Occupancy of the Available agents. This is calculated by dividing Busy Time by the sum of (Busy Time + Ready Time)

Interaction Time


Offer Time + Talk Time + Chat Time + Email Time + Fax Time + Wrap-up Time + Hold Time (overlapping interactions are accumulated)

Overlapping interactions will accumulate Interaction Time. If an agent is simultaneously, working on multiple interactions, Interaction Time is the sum of the time spent on each individual interaction. The Interaction Time could therefore exceed the agent's Login Time for that period.

Interaction Types

Interaction Type


Media Types




Umbrella term that includes all Media Types and Directions


Incoming, Outgoing


Callback can include
an inbound voice interaction that either became a callback because the caller opted-in to a callback while in a queue
an inbound voice interaction became a callback because the agent spoke with the caller and manually scheduled a callback
Inbound interaction that begins as a web callback request
an email that is manually rescheduled by the agent for a later response

Telephony, Email

Incoming, Outgoing

Customer can put a link on their website where the customer enters their name and phone number and description and optionally BP. That interaction will immediately be sent to the BP for processing. A Web Callback requests is a Telephony media type.

Callback Telephony

A subset of Callback interactions that only include those for the Telephony media type




An outbound Campaign interaction initiated by the Dialer.



Same as Campaign Telephony

Campaign Telephony

An outbound voice interaction initiated by the Dialer



Same as Campaign


an inbound web chat interaction initiated by a customer
an internal chat between members of the organization


Incoming, Outgoing

Outbound chats today would be an outbound internal chat only.


an inbound email interaction initiated by a customer
an outbound response email from an agent to a customer


Incoming, Outgoing


Business Process: Telephony



Same as Incoming Fax today. The system expects all faxes to be delivered via email. There is no inherent FAX capability in the system.


an inbound fax interaction initiated by a customer



Incoming Chat

Umbrella term that includes all Incoming interactions across all media types



Incoming Email

an inbound web chat interaction initiated by a customer



Incoming Fax

an inbound email interaction initiated by a customer



Incoming Telephony

an inbound call interaction initiated by a customer



Internal Messaging (Chat)

a chat interaction between 2 agents


Incoming, Outgoing

Outgoing External Mail

an outbound email that is sent to an external address



Outgoing External Telephony

an outbound call originated by an agent to a number that is external to the organization



Outgoing Internal Telephony

an outbound call originated by an agent to a number that is internal to the organization



Outgoing External

an umbrella term that includes all outgoing interactions across media types sent external to the organization

Telephony, Email


Outgoing Internal

an umbrella term that includes all outgoing interactions across media types sent internally within the organization

Telephony, Chat



a voice interaction that entered the Business Process. This includes every voice interaction - including AA & IVR & queue & dialer functions & manual outgoing calls initiated by an agent.


Incoming, Outgoing


any interaction that is transferred to a secondary destination
manually by an agent
automatically during the call flow


Incoming, Outgoing

Transferred Chat

a chat interaction that is transferred to a secondary destination
manually by an agent
automatically during the call flow



Transferred E-mail

an email interaction that is transferred to a secondary destination

manually by an agent


automatically during the call flow



Transferred Fax

a fax interaction that is transferred to a secondary destination
manually by an agent
automatically during the call flow



Transferred In Telephony

Call transferred into this BP from another BP



Transferred Out Telephony

Call transferred from this BP to another BP

