Business Structure: Handling Timeouts at the Business Process Level

Within the Setup Client there are Handling Timeouts at the Enterprise level and at each Business Process level.  Many of the Business Process level Handling Timeouts do not need to be adjusted if they have been set at the Enterprise Level.  However, if the Business Process should have different Timeouts than what was set at the Enterprise level, the changes would be done in the Business Process Handling Timeouts tab.

  • Wrap Up Time – Total amount of time an agent is allowed in wrap up before automatically being placed back in a ready state
  • Agent Console no Answer Time – The total time an interaction will present to an agent before bouncing the call.  The agent will be placed into a no answer state.
  • SME – No Answer Time – Not applicable for ECS Unified or Overlay Solutions
  • Delegation Timeout – Total amount of time an agent has to delegate a call to a supervisor.  This is only applicable if allowing agents to delegate calls to supervisors has been enabled.
  • No Answer Timeout for Manual Outgoing Calls -This refers to the total time an outbound call will stay connected (dialing) if not answered  This should be increased if agents will be leaving voicemails on outbound calls.
  • Enforce Disposition Code – Timeout – Total amount of time an agent has to assign a disposition code to a call.
  • SMS - Customer Idle Time Notify Timeout (minutes) - Customers will be notified of their inactivity and will be warned that their session will end if the contact center does not detect activity by the customer
  • SMS - Customer Idle Time Disconnect Timeout (minutes) - Customer SMS session will be disconnected due to inactivity by the customer

Overflow Thresholds 

  • Total Interactions Count – Total number of interactions for the Business Process before overflow
  • Waiting Interactions Count – Max number of waiting interactions before overflow
  • Average Waiting Time – Set the average waiting time for the Business Process.  When this time is met, calls will begin to overflow.
  • Interaction Waiting Time – If an interaction is waiting for a set amount of time, the interaction will be overflowed
  • Maximum Waiting Time – Max amount a time an interaction should wait before overflowing

Service Level – Answer Time Goal

  • Answer Time Goal – Telephony – Set the Answer Time Goal (Service Level) for Telephony Interactions
  • Answer Time Goal – Email -Set the Answer Time Goal (Service Level) for Email Interactions
  • Answer Time Goal – Chat -Set the Answer Time Goal (Service Level) for Chat Interactions
  • Answer Time Goal – Fax -Not applicable for ECS Unified or Overlay Solutions
  • Answer Time Goal - SMS - Set the Answer Time Goal (Service Level) for SMS Interactions

Exclude Short Abandoned Interactions for Service Level Calculation

  • Short Abandoned Time Threshold – Telephony – Interactions abandoned within the threshold will be marked as Service Level Excluded and will be excluded from the Service Level and Answer Rate calculations
  • Short Abandoned Time Threshold – Chat – Interactions abandoned within the threshold will be marked as Service Level Excluded and will be excluded from the Service Level and Answer Rate calculations