Download SQL file:  HuntGroupStatistics.sql

The example below queries the data warehouse for data surrounding hunt group calls including how many were answered, abandoned and transferred to voicemail as well as duration of the ring times and calls

It is selected based on a specific date range and groups the data by location and user 
Hunt Group Statistics

    -- Date
    [bf_callStartDateLocal] AS [Date],
    -- Location
    CONCAT([lcd_stateProvince], ', ', [lcd_city], ' - ', [lcd_streetAddress]) AS [Location],
    -- Hunt Group
    [bud_broadsoftUserDisplayName] AS [Hunt Group],
    -- Inbound calls to Hunt group
    SUM( CASE [bf_direction] WHEN 'Terminating' THEN 1 ELSE 0 END ) AS [Inbound Calls],
    -- Calls abandoned before answer or VM
    SUM( CASE [bf_direction] WHEN 'Terminating' THEN 1 ELSE 0 END ) -
        SUM( CASE WHEN [bf_direction] = 'Originating' AND [bf_answerIndicator] = 'Y' THEN 1 ELSE 0 END ) AS [Abandoned Calls],
    -- Calls routed to agents
    SUM( CASE WHEN [bf_direction] = 'Originating' AND [bf_answerIndicator] = 'Y' THEN 1 ELSE 0 END ) AS [Routed Calls],
    -- Handled calls (calls answered by a person)
    SUM( CASE WHEN [bf_direction] = 'Originating' AND [bf_answerIndicator] = 'Y' AND bf_calledNumber <> '5000' THEN 1 ELSE 0 END ) AS [Handled Calls],
    -- Talk duration of handled calls in minutes
    CAST (SUM( CASE WHEN [bf_direction] = 'Originating' AND [bf_answerIndicator] = 'Y' AND bf_calledNumber <> '5000' THEN [bf_billDuration] ELSE 0 END ) / 60.0 AS DECIMAL(8,2)) AS [Talk Duration],
    -- Call overflowed to VM
    SUM( CASE WHEN [bf_direction] = 'Originating' AND [bf_answerIndicator] = 'Y' AND bf_calledNumber = '5000' THEN 1 ELSE 0 END ) AS [VM Overflow Calls],
    -- Ring duration in minutes
    CAST (SUM( CASE WHEN [bf_direction] = 'Originating' AND [bf_answerIndicator] = 'Y' AND bf_calledNumber <> '5000' THEN [bf_ringDuration] ELSE 0 END ) / 60.0 AS DECIMAL(8,2)) AS [Ring Duration],
FROM [BroadsoftCDRFact] LEFT OUTER JOIN [BroadsoftUserDimension] ON [bf_userFK] = [bud_id]
    LEFT OUTER JOIN [LocationDimension] ON SUBSTRING([bf_group], 4, 10) = [lcd_location]
WHERE [bf_callStartDateLocal] >= 20210414 AND [bf_callStartDateLocal] < 20210415 AND
    [bf_userId] LIKE 'hg-%'
GROUP BY [bf_callStartDateLocal], CONCAT([lcd_stateProvince], ', ', [lcd_city], ' - ', [lcd_streetAddress]), [bud_broadsoftUserDisplayName];

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