
Today implementors have to deploy their changes and execute test interactions to actually hear the prompts they are configuring.

We want to allow them to play the prompts within the Setup, while configuring the flow.

For TTS it will also improve the experience of the first interaction when the voice file is generated.

This will allow implementors to hear a few versions of the generated voice (i.e. change gender)

Prompts that could be played

Media Repository (and Dynamic Media Repository)

Items in the Media Repository and Dynamic Media Repository always had 'play' functionality in the Setup.

Text Repository

A few months ago we've added 'play' functionality to the Text Repository.

Prompts in activities

In this version we've added 'play' functionality to the prompts within the activities. This will be available within ALL activities, languages, sections where it is possible to configure the relevant prompts.

Some activities for example:

  • Simple Play
  • Prompt and Collect Selection - General, Timeout, Failure, Speech Recording Ended tabs
  • Prompt and Collect Data - General, Timeout, Failure, Speech Recording Ended tabs

Phrase prompt:

Text Repository prompt:

TTS prompt:

  • No labels