We are excited to announce the Evolve Contact Suite (ECS) v5.1.0 release that includes new capabilities for our customers.

What Do You Need to Know?

  1. Any changes made to your environment must be fully deployed via Setup before the upgrade and previously deployed versions will no longer be available after the upgrade.
  2. If you have agents staffed during the maintenance, they will experience a short period of downtime.
  3. Users will get a notification on their first login after the upgrade to accept and download the newest update. Please instruct your users to accept the application update.
  4. Review all updated documentation below, including the recently updated Report User Guide.

Why Update?

  • New Features and Functionality
  • Bug Fixes

What are the new features and functionality?

  • Agent and Supervisor passwords can now be reset through the Setup clients.  Administrators and Supervisors can choose to either reset a password back to the system default password or send a password reset email to the user.  See “Resetting an Agent’s Password” in this KB article for more details.
  • Multi-level Disposition Code Sets: Each Business Process will now be assigned a Disposition Code Set that includes a Category and Sub Category for each Disposition Code.  Agents and Supervisors can navigate through this hierarchy to assign the correct Disposition Code.  See “Disposition Code Sets” in this KB article for more details.  The new Disposition Code Category and Subcategory information is available in the:
    1. Campaign Disposition Code Report
    2. Supervisor Campaign Monitor Export/Purge tab and export file
    3. Agent client’s Contact History
    4. Supervisor Call Recording for those customers that have deployed ECS in an Overlay model
    5. 4.03 Interaction Disposition Codes Report and 4.13. Disposition Codes Distribution Report
  • Three new columns have been added to the Current Interactions tab in Supervisor for the Agent, Business Process and Campaign Monitors:
    1. Demand – shows the Demands (Skills) assigned to the interaction
    2. Demand Filter – shows the current Demand Filter assigned to the interaction – this is a dynamic value and will update depending on how long the interaction waited in queue
    3. Total Waiting Duration – shows the total time the interaction has been waiting in queue.  The time is dynamic because it includes the total waiting time across all Business Processes for those interactions that flowed through multiple Business Processes.
  • The following Campaign features have been added. Please refer to the Dialer User Guide for more information.
    1. On Failure: Max Attempts Reached – After a final failed Campaign dial attempt for a contact, that record can be sent to a 2nd Campaign for continued dialing or to a Contact List for a future Campaign.  When this contact record is assigned to a new Campaign, the number of attempts will be reset to zero and the original contact properties will be preserved.
    2. On Success: Customer Reached – After a contact is successfully reached by a Campaign, that record can be sent to a 2nd Campaign for additional dialing attempts or to a Contact List for a future Campaign.  When this contact record is assigned to a new Campaign, the number of attempts will be reset to zero and the original contact properties will be preserved.
  • In the Setup client, the Agent thumbnail view in the Staffing now shows the agent’s extension instead of the agent’s end point.
  • Two new optional fields (a phone number and a date field) are available in the chat window presented on the web to a customer. For customers currently utilizing chat, these fields will be available upon request.
  • Added an “All Offline” output leg to the ‘Check Busy or Idle Agents Node’ in the Interaction Handling Flow that will separately route interactions when all Agent are Offline.

What are the new Reporting features and functionality?

  • Two new reports were added:
    • 4.14 – Demand Interval Distribution Report – highlights the distribution of Demands across interactions and Business Processes
    • 8.01 – Calls Performance by BP and Destinations – provides BP summary of voice interactions only with results broken out in annual, monthly, daily, hourly, and 15 min intervals
  • The following reports were updated to include the Demand fields:
    • 2.01 Detailed Agent Interactions Report
    • 4.01 Detailed Business Entity Report
    • 4.02 Destination Trace Report
    • 4.10 Inbound Interactions Distribution Report
    • 4.11 Interactions Analysis Report
  • Updated Overflow logic in the 7.0.x and 8.01 reports. An Overflowed call is a Queued call that was not answered by an agent in the BP and was handled by the BP flow outside the queue in one of the following ways:
    • Disconnected by the BP flow (disconnected by the system)
    • Transferred to an external number
    • Transferred to another BP
  • Several UI enhancements were made to the Report Navigator including:
    • The folder navigation triangle has been made larger
    • All report folders will now automatically display
    • When there is a single entry in Customer Database field, it will now be automatically selected

What are the Bug Fixes?

  1. When a Campaign setup with the LIFO (Last In First Out) Dialing Strategy is first populated with records to be dialed, the first batch of records were not always in proper sequential LIFO order.
  2. The Supervisor Client would close unexpectedly when temporarily assigning an agent to a Business Process.
  3. In Supervisor, when assigning a new expiration (greater than 12 hours), that change would incorrectly apply to all BP assignments instead of just the selected Business Process(es).
  4. In some instances, deleting flow variables would result in the Setup client closing unexpectedly.
  5. The Wait Time counter inside the Current Interactions tab of  Supervisor would display incorrect data.
  6. When performing a consulted transfer from an Agent to a user outside the contact center, the wrong Caller ID was displaying to that user.
  7. In Supervisor, a temporary assignment of an Agent to a Campaign would fail without Supervisor notification and that Agent would not receive Campaign calls.
  8. The Expected Wait Time was calculated incorrectly for some waiting interactions.
  9. Agents were unable to perform a consulted transfer after receiving a transferred interaction.
  10. After a consulted transfer, the receiving Agent’s call control was not active and they were not able to place the call on hold.
  11. Depending on the status of current interactions, Supervisors were unable to stop an active Preview Campaign.
  12. On the 7.0.3 report, the Month To Date Summary section was incorrectly calculating the interaction volume.
  13. Ad-hoc or scheduled reports for different time periods did not always generate using the customer’s time zone.
  14. On the 7.0.1 report, hourly interval time slices were not displaying properly for some customers.
  15. The Supervisor application would terminate unexpectedly with an “Out of Memory” error.
  16. When attempting to dial a contact’s mobile phone via the Directory tab of the Agent client, the system would incorrectly dial their desk phone.


Supervisor User Guide

Supervisor Quick Reference Guide

Cloud Dialer User Guide

Report User Guide

Report Scheduler Quick Reference Guide

Agent User Guide

Setup and Manager Client Help Content

API Documentation – https://ecs-apps.voip.evolveip.net/API/Help

API Sample Page – https://ecs-apps.voip.evolveip.net/API/test.html

For customers that wish to utilize the Agent and Supervisor APIs – use the following link  —  https://ecs-apps.voip.evolveip.net/Api

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